This annual lecture augments the USAWC core curriculum with a prominent speaker from the Intelligence Community. It helps describe the critical role of intelligence in the formulation of national and theater strategy and the vital contributions of strategic intelligence to national security affairs, while also tackling the complexities and competing interests of various communities (e.g. security vs. civil liberties). Coordinating the lecture is one of the contributions of the De Serio Chair of Strategic and Theater Intelligence.

This Chair is funded with an endowment through the generosity of Charlotte H. Watts through the Russell Pearce and Elizabeth Crimian Heuer Foundation, in honor of her late husband, Francis W. De Serio. Fran De Serio was a 1972 graduate of USAWC and a long-time friend of the Army War College Foundation and member of the Board of Trustees. He retired in 1987 after 34 years of federal service and passed away in 2002.
Past speakers:
- AY23 – Mr. Bill Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
- AY20 – Mr. David Ignatius, Associate Editor and Columnist for the Washington Post
- AY19 – Dr. Loch K. Johnson, Regents Professor of Political Science at the University of Georgia
- AY18 – Lt Gen (Ret) James R. Clapper, Jr., USAF, Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
- AY18 – Dr. Michael Morell, Former Deputy Director of the CIA
- AY17 – Ms. Amy McAuliffe, Chair, National Intelligence Council (NIC)
- AY16 – VADM (Ret) John M. ‘Mike’ McConnell, USN, Former Director of National Intelligence
- AY15 – LTG Mary A. Legere, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2, U.S. Army
- AY14 – LTG Mary A. Legere, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2, U.S. Army
- AY14 – Dr. Richard H. Immerman, Former Assistant Deputer Director of National Intelligence for Analytical Integrity and Standards for the Director of National Intelligence (DNI); also De Serio Chair, AY14-AY16
- AY13 – LTG Michael T. Flynn, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- AY12 – Lt Gen (Ret) James R. Clapper, Jr., USAF, Director of National Intelligence
- AY12 – LTG Ronald L. Burgess, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- AY11 – Congressman C.A. ‘Dutch’ Ruppersberger, 2nd District, Maryland, Raking Minority Member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence
- AY10 – Lt Gen Mark A. Welsh III, USAF, Associate Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for Military Support
- AY09 – Gen (Ret) Michael V. Hayden, USAF, Director, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)