Dr. Michael S. Neiberg
Chair of War Studies
The Chair of War Studies is a long-term civilian faculty position designated to strengthen the U.S. Army War College faculty in the interdisciplinary study of war. The inaugural holder of the Chair is Dr. Michael S. Neiberg.
A native of Pittsburgh and a graduate of both the University of Michigan and Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Neiberg began his teaching career at the United States Air Force Academy and also taught at the University of Southern Mississippi where he co-directed the Center for the Study of War and Society. He was the Harold K. Johnson Visiting Professor at the Army War College for the 2010 Academic Year. His published work specializes on the First and Second World Wars, notably the American and French experiences. His most recent book on the First World War is Dance of the Furies: Europe and the Outbreak of World War I (Harvard University Press, 2011), recently named by the Wall Street Journal as one of the five best books ever written on the First World War. He is currently at work on a history of American responses to the First World War, 1914-1917.
Dr. Neiberg produces cutting-edge scholarship that influences national security policy, military strategy, and the College curriculum. Additionally, he represents the College through lectures and scholarly conferences, while also mentoring faculty and students.
This Chair is currently funded by the Foundation through unrestricted donations.